Collie online-  Pedigrees  -  Virtual Pedigree17/01/2025 12:33

Stats (About pedigrees)
  • Pedigrees: 73282
  • Photos: 21997
ADN (Genetic Health)

Père - Father

  • Né le (D.O.B.): 05-01-2021
  • Couleur (Coat colour): Blue-merle
  • Infos: 
  • MDR1 (+/-)
  • DM (+/-)
  • CEA (+/-)

Mère - Mother

  • Née le (D.O.B.): 25-11-2019
  • Couleur (Coat colour): Tricolour
  • Infos: IPD (Inflammatory pulmonary disease) N/N Clear
  • MDR1 (+/+)
  • DM (+/+)
  • CEA (+/-)
Prince Of Sunlight Not A Failure Prince Of Sunlight Follow Your Heart Mopava Beethoven Black Ch. Wicani Ent'Iced Ch. Glasgowhill's Future Vision
Wicani Moonlight on Ice
Believe in Love Ch. Velvet in Blue de Cathyja
Be My Little Baby du Clos des Duchesses
Top Less Elegantia Ch. Flaming Black Jack du Chemin des Randonnées Ch. Don Juan du Clos de Windmire
Déesse Blonde du Chemin des Randonnées
Felicity in Blue de Cathyja Tricky Trooper de Cathyja
Beida Black de Cathyja
Most Majestic Miss Hepburn Prince of Sunlight Mr.Bombastic Ch. Double Scotch Gold Windstar Amalie By Design
Double Scotch Gold Scarlett O'hara
Prince of Sunlight Queen-Hood Ch. Amalie Mild Winter
Ch. Prince of Sunlight Black Hurrican
Most Majestic Raisin Ch. Ghostrider du Clos de Seawind Eros Blue du Chemin des Randonnées
Betty Boop du Clos de Seawind
Most Majestic Rarity Ch. Velours Noir du Clos de Montamer
Ch. Always A Dream des Beldones
Prince Of Sunlight The Sweetest Surprise Ch. Prince of Sunlight Sweetest Smile Killochan Castle Dream Designer Amazing Blue Destiny Razart Ch. Stormy Affair Razart
Ch. Ultimate Maggie Razart
Lansingh's Girly Peggy Seven'Up du Clos de Montamer
Lansingh's After Eden
Prince of Sunlight Habibti Prince of Sunlight Mr.Bombastic Ch. Double Scotch Gold Windstar
Prince of Sunlight Queen-Hood
Ebony Princess du Chemin des Randonnées Seven'Up du Clos de Montamer
Cheyenne Blue du Chemin des Randonnées
Prince of Sunlight Quimby Pure Black Magic von der Ischlerbahn Gti Blue of Irish Home Hannibal-Black of Lovely Creek
Fashion Blue of Irish Home
Daydream von der Ischlerbahn Ch. Xcalibur von der Ischlerbahn
Indian Summer of Castle Garden
Prince of Sunlight Black Inspiration Prince of Sunlight Rondnoir Royal Black du Chemin des Randonnées
Prince of Sunlight Something to Remember
Jashika Truly Magical Lynaire He's A Devil
Prince of Sunlight Yours Truly to Jashika
  • ??
  • AVK: 93.55
  • COI: 1,5869%
  • COIR:1,7822%
Eléments de consanguinité - Inbreeding evaluation
Les couleurs de la descendance - Offspring coat color
Père (Father)
Mère (Mother)
Prince Of Sunlight Not A Failure 
Prince Of Sunlight The Sweetest Surprise 
Descendance - Offspring coat color:
Tout savoir sur les couleurs du Colley - Collie coat color, click here
Profil génétique de la portée - Genetic Health of the litter


Chiots (Puppies):

Normaux, clear (+/+): 50%
Porteurs, carrier (+/-): 50%

MDR1: Données génétiques pour le Colley (Genetic data for Collie)

MDR1: Chiens testés (Dogs tested) 8212

  1. MDR1 (+/+): 2579   (31.4%)
  2. MDR1 (+/-): 3854   (46.9%)
  3. MDR1 (-/-): 1779   (21.7%)

MDR1: Infos, cliquez ici (click here)



Chiots (Puppies):

Normaux, clear (+/+): 50%
Porteurs, carrier (+/-): 50%

DM: Données génétiques pour le Colley (Genetic data for Collie)

DM: Chiens testés (Dogs tested) 2397

  1. DM (+/+): 1534   (64%)
  2. DM (+/-): 765   (31.9%)
  3. DM (-/-): 98   (4.1%)

DM: Infos, cliquez ici (click here)



Chiots (Puppies):

Normaux, clear (+/+): 25%
Porteurs, carrier (+/-): 50%
Mutés, Affected (-/-): 25%

CEA: Données génétiques pour le Colley (Genetic data for Collie)

CEA: Chiens testés (Dogs tested) 1433

  1. CEA (+/+): 481   (33.6%)
  2. CEA (+/-): 684   (47.7%)
  3. CEA (-/-): 268   (18.7%)


Chiots (Puppies):

Profils génétiques inconnus
DNA profils unknown

PRA: Données génétiques pour le Colley (Genetic data for Collie)

PRA: Chiens testés (Dogs tested) 604

  1. PRA (+/+): 590   (97.7%)
  2. PRA (+/-): 14   (2.3%)
  3. PRA (-/-): 0   (0%)


Chiots (Puppies):

Profils génétiques inconnus
DNA profils unknown

JRD: Données génétiques pour le Colley (Genetic data for Collie)

JRD: Chiens testés (Dogs tested) 107

  1. JRD (+/+): 84   (78.5%)
  2. JRD (+/-): 22   (20.6%)
  3. JRD (-/-): 1   (0.9%)
Prince Of Sunlight Not A Failure: Sa descendance (Offspring):
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Pour aller plus loin (More)
  • Des idées de noms pour les chiots - Ideas for names for puppies: Click here
  • Les couleurs du Colley - Collie coat color: Click here
  • La reproduction, un dossier complet sur le sujet - all about a mating: Click here



Indicates to us the suspected loss of ancestors.
The AVK for n-generation family tree is calculated by the number of actual (independent - unrepeatable) ancestors, and the total number of possible ancestors.
Inbreeding coefficient total IC (COI) :
We evaluate inbreeding of each animal according to the 'coefficient of relationship' proposed by Sewell Wright.
Inbreeding and Relationship Coefficient (COIR) :
Wright's equation for calculating the COI + closely inbreeding of each parent.
A calculation that is more representative of the real relationship of dogs evaluated.