Jason Black Of Cairngorms
Born : 11-08-2014
Virtual Pedigree
Wicani Noble Allegiance
Van-M Good Fellow at Wicani
Van-M Good Samaritan
Ch. Van-M Balloon Pilot
Van-M Aruga's New Wrinkle
Van-M Free Lunch
Ch. Van-M That's the Ticket
Van-M Wrinkle Free
Wicani Wicked Indulgence
Wicani Nighthawk
Wicani What's New Pussycat
Wicani Wrenee Dessard
Wicani Opalescence
Ch. Wicani Leading Light
Wicani China Doll
Eirinn Blue Off Lords Scotland
Ch. Bounty Blue de Midland Valley
People Black de Midland Valley
Jamiroquai of Moon River
Lady Black du Clos de Windmire
Ch. Unique Perle Bleue du Champ de la Roche
Steven Spielberg de Midland Valley
Sailor et Lula of Rhapsody Land
Benson Night at Off Lords Scotland
Seven'Up du Clos de Montamer
Rackham le Rouge du Clos des Duchesses
Oréa du Clos de Montamer
Shirley Girl de Cabrenysset
Jamiroquai of Moon River
New Look du Chemin des Randonnées
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: 96.67
- Perte d'Hétérozygotie (Ahnenverlust): 3.33% |
: 0%
Genetic Health
MDR1 (+/-)
DM (+/-)