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CELJE - 13/01/2024
13/01/2024 CACIB Présents-Entries: 11
Juge, judge: Kardos Vilmos
Show results submitted by Adrienn Németh  

ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Intermédiaire, Intermediate, Zwischenklasse - Entries: 1
1 -Serenlas Darkspell - (Exc, V) CAC, ,
(Ingledene Fantasy Of Blu x Serenlas Keeping Faith)
Breeder (Prod): Stefani Flower - Owner (Prop): Melinda Forstenpointner


ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Ouverte, Open, Offene Klasse - Entries: 1

1 -Lingonskogen Adore You - (Exc, V) RCACIB, CAC,
(Bejewelled Sky of the Windy Lands x United Colours Of The Holy Mountain)
Breeder (Prod): Katarina Senicar - Owner (Prop): Marija Dolgan


ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Champion, Championklasse - Entries: 2

1 -Begasuka's Promising Percy (Ch) - (Exc, V) CACIB, CAC, BEST OF BREED
(Amalie Lynmead Aglasis Chip x Begasuka's Lacey's Love Story)
Breeder (Prod): Bernd Wiedecke - Owner (Prop): Németh Adrienn
2 -Merideon Actis (Ch) - (Exc, V) RCAC, ,
(Golden Lippy vom Rhododendronwäldchen x Tiana Actis)
Breeder (Prod): Elwira Zasun - Owner (Prop): Elwira Zasun


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Junior - Entries: 2
1 -Dennisay's Black Velvet - (Exc, V) CACJ, CACIB-J, BOB-J,
(One Extraordinary Blu di Cambiano x Pin Rainbow von Rottenstein)
Breeder (Prod): Denis Sabolic - Owner (Prop): Dr. Simone Esser
Dennisay's Blue Obsession - (Absent, n. ersch.) , ,
(One Extraordinary Blu di Cambiano x Pin Rainbow von Rottenstein)
Breeder (Prod): Denis Sabolic - Owner (Prop): Dr. Simone Esser


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Intermédiaire, Intermediate, Zwischenklasse - Entries: 1

1 -Enjoy Your Life (Ch) - (Exc, V) CACIB, CAC, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX
(Skabona Extra Player x Cherry Wind Glimmer Delle Antiche Janas)
Breeder (Prod): Luca Montelli - Owner (Prop): Luca Montelli


SMOOTH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Champion, Championklasse - Entries: 1

1 -Buschteufels Alasdair - (Exc, V) CACIB, CAC, BEST OF BREED
(Quid Quid Agis Adamo x Turella's Unicorn)
Breeder (Prod): Kati Mueller - Owner (Prop): Diana Möller


SMOOTH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Intermédiaire, Intermediate, Zwischenklasse - Entries: 1
1 -Faith For Lago Benea Martheline - (Exc, V) CAC, RCACIB,
(Blamorder Lover Boy x Airelle en Noir Lago Benea)
Breeder (Prod): Miroslav Davidek - Owner (Prop): Jitka Gogolinova


SMOOTH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Ouverte, Open, Offene Klasse - Entries: 2

1 -Geablue Casabocci - (Exc, V) CACIB, CAC, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX
(Blamorder Lover Boy x Vittoria Casabocci)
Breeder (Prod): Carla Gallini - Owner (Prop): Allevamento Casabocci
2 -Mighty's Spring Meadow Wam Winnie - (Exc, V) RCAC, ,
(Mighty's Spring Meadow Tier Tally x Mighty's Spring Meadow Rea Rianne)
Breeder (Prod): Jana Semianova - Owner (Prop): Jana Semianova


Commentaire - Comment:
  • BOB ROUGH: Begasuka's Promising Percy
  • BOB SMOOTH: Buschteufels Alasdair
  • -----------------------------------------------------
  • Begasuka's Promising Percy fulfilled the conditions of Slovenian Grand Champion title
13.01.2024. - CELJE



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