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    Sommaire - Studdogs - Camaro Rock 'N' Roll - 08-11-2024




    Deutscher Jugendchampion (German Youth Champion) - Clubjugendsieger 2008 (Club-Youthwinner 2008)

    Né le - D.O.B. 27-07-2007
    Père - Father Ch. Scottlyme Xby Chance
    Mère - Mother Ch. Camaro Now or Never
    AOC/CEA CEA/PRA/KAT - clear/exempt (7 weeks - EVCO)
    HD HD A/A
    Test ADN - DNA Oui/Yes (ISAG 2006)
    MDR1 (MDR Tested +/-)   [..Infos..]
    DM (+/+)   [..Infos..]
    Divers - More DM - N/N (free) by Laboklin

    Identification génétique: plus d'info




             Contacter l'éleveur - My address

    Elevage Camaro Collies

    Karola Opitz

    Kleines Birkenvenn 9

    Nordhorn D-48529


    Téléphone: 0049 - 5921-16133 -

    Member of Club für Britische Hütehunde e.V. and German Collieclub



             Plan d'accès - Kennel map

    Latitude: 52.381798
    Longitude: 7.083127
    Latitude: 52°22'54.47"N
    Longitude: 7°4'59.26"E
    Kennel location for your GPS

             Dans les expositions - In the show ring

    Principaux résultats en exposition
    2.Exc CAC-Jr. Neumünster, 01.06.2008 - Judge Stefanescu.Ro
    2.Exc CAC-Jr. Berlin, 10.08..2008 - Judge Steinmetz, D
    1.Exc CAC-J Gelsenkirchen , 24.08.2008 - Judge Tietze, D
    1.Exc CAC-J Sondershausen , 30.08.2008 - Judge Fricke, D
    1.Exc CAC-J HZS Sondershausen , 31.08.2008 - Judge Kovacova, Sk "Club-Youthwinner 2008 " and " German-Youth-Champion"
    V I - CAC - VDH/CH-Anw. - Nordhorn - Mr. M. Wibier, D
    V3 - Gelsenkirchen 2009 - Judge: Mrs. Ch. Hoijer, Dk
    Verl-Kaunitz Openclass V I - CAC/VDH Ch. .... Mrs. H. Müller/Heintz, D
    V3 - CACIB Groningen Openclass..... Mrs. M. ten Cate, Nl
    V I - CAC/VDH Ch.- OK - Verl/Kaunitz 2010 .... Mrs. H. Müller/Heintz, D
    V I - Breederclass - Genk, B 2010 ... Mr. B. Hawkins,UK
    V I - CAC/VDH Ch.- OK - Rastede 2010...Mr. G.Duffield, UK
    V I - CAC/VDH Ch.- OK - CACIB - Erfurt Juni 2010...Mrs. J. Korosz- Papp, Hu


             Descendance - Offspring

     Search children in the database: 320 results
     Descendance de Camaro Rock 'N' Roll: 320 réponses

    Page 1 sur 7
    A Big Hunk Sellinkcreekside31-05-2011
    Aaron-Astair of Scartanore07-04-2009
    Agila-Aoife of Scartanore07-04-2009
    Aisha from Nelly's Paradise25-12-2008
    Cea/Pra/Kat frei - HD A - Recommanded MDR1 (+/-)
    All Night Long of Paddington Station12-02-2012
    Alva-Anfa of Scartanore07-04-2009
    Amazing van het Boskampscolliehuis02-02-2012
    Aska-Alana of Scartanore07-04-2009
    Black Basra Proud of Heavensent24-01-2009
    CEA/PRA free
    Black Bella Proud of Heavensent24-01-2009
    CEA/PRA free
    Black Beryll Proud of Heavensent24-01-2009
    CEA/PRA free
    Black Bijou Proud of Heavensent24-01-2009
    CEA/PRA free
    Black Brilliant Proud of Heavensent24-01-2009
    CEA/PRA free
    Black Laiko First Collie Love17-06-2011
    Black Magic First Collie Love17-06-2011
    Black Night First Collie Love17-06-2011
    Blue Barkley Proud of Heavensent24-01-2009
    CEA/PRA free
    Blue Ocean Dream's Bailey's Spezial06-03-2009
    Cea/Pra/Kat frei - HD A - MDR1 (-/-)
    Blue Ocean Dream's Billy Jean06-03-2009
    Blue Ocean Dream's Bon Jovi06-03-2009
    Blue Ocean Dream's Bonnie Sue06-03-2009
    Cea/Pra/Kat frei - HD A - MDR1 (+/-)
    Blue Ocean Dream's Brilliant Butterfly06-03-2009
    Cea/Pra/Kat frei
    Boem Boem Van Het Melkmeisje28-11-2009
    Burning Love Sellinkcreekside31-05-2011
    Cactus Cane av Vikholmen17-04-2009
    Camaro Back To The Roots27-05-2013
    Camaro Be My Little Lady27-05-2013
    Camaro Beam Me Up27-05-2013
    Camaro Black Magic Woman2013
    Camaro Blue Sensation27-05-2013
    Camaro Blues Brother27-05-2013
    Camaro Born To Love You27-05-2013
    Camaro Dancing Queen21-01-2015
    Camaro Deep in Your Heart21-01-2015
    Camaro Don't Stop the Music21-01-2015
    Camaro Don't Worry Be Happy21-01-2015
    Camaro Samba 'N' Soul26-01-2009
    CEA/PRA free
    Camaro Saphira Magic in Blue26-01-2009
    Cea/Pra free - HD A - MDR1 (+/-)
    Camaro Secret Love26-01-2009
    Camaro Shadow Dancer26-01-2009
    CEA/PRA free
    Camaro Shocking Blue26-01-2009
    CEA/PRA free
    Camaro Smoke on the Water26-01-2009
    CEA/PRA free
    Camaro Sunshine Reggae26-01-2009
    Cea/Pra/Kat frei - HD A - Recommanded (Rheinlandjugendsiegerin 2010) MDR1 (-/-)
    Camelot of Mountain Rose28-04-2009
    Cameo from Whisperdale29-06-2009
    Camouflage of Mountain Rose28-04-2009
    Campino from Whisperdale29-06-2009
    Cea/Pra/Kat frei - HD A - MDR1 (+/+)
    Canuck from Whisperdale29-06-2009
    Caterville Hot Chocolate21-10-2017
    CEA/PRA/KAt Frei, Puppy Test, HD A1, Körklasse 1 MDR1 (+/+) DM (+/+)
    Celeste Chamonix av Vikholmen17-04-2009

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