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BRATISLAVA - 17/08/2024
17/08/2024 CACIB Présents-Entries: 18
Juge, judge: Albrigo Anna (It)
Show results submitted by Petra Horvathova  

ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Baby, Welpenklasse - Entries: 1
Hidden Crystal z Bohušova Vrchu - (P, VSP) , ,
(Monsolana Monte Carlo x Monsolana Lovely Cream)
Breeder (Prod): Fikejzová Kateřina - Owner (Prop): Koriťák Martin


ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Puppy, Jüngstenklasse - Entries: 1
Poseidon Gibsonova Púšť - (TP, VV, VP) , ,
(Afterhero Dragon Of The Southwind x Cassandra Gibsonova Púšť)
Breeder (Prod): Gaško Ján + Marian Umrian - Owner (Prop): Reptík Juraj + Umrian Marian


ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Junior - Entries: 1
1 -Un Senór Carbonado of Dirty Booties - (Exc, V) , ,
(Mac Intosh Mega Star of Forever Mind x Ophelia Della Buca Della Fate)
Breeder (Prod): Wirth Michael A Lorraine - Owner (Prop): Pokorný Rudolf


ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Intermédiaire, Intermediate, Zwischenklasse - Entries: 1

1 -Tamira's Miracles Dream Maker - (Exc, V) CAC, RCACIB,
(Stonehaven Pride Hard Rock x Tamira's Miracles Because I Love You)
Breeder (Prod): Tibold Alexandra - Owner (Prop): Korábečná Radka


ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Ouverte, Open, Offene Klasse - Entries: 1
Loch Lomond Fellow Of Eternity - (TB, SG, VG) , ,
(Inspire Black du Clos de Seawind x Himalayan Snowflake Fellow Of Eternity)
Breeder (Prod): Schmiesterova Sabolova Katarin - Owner (Prop): Abasová Jela


ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Champion, Championklasse - Entries: 3

1 -Monsolana Monte Carlo (Ch) - (Exc, V) CACIB, CAC, BOS
(Riverside Song Voice Of Fate x Monsolana Sunday Girl)
Breeder (Prod): Buldakova Olga - Owner (Prop): Kudrová Ivana
2 -Bright Merrybrook Super Star (Ch) - (Exc, V) RCAC, ,
(Top Less Jet Set For Merrybrook x Bright Merrybrook French Super Star)
Breeder (Prod): Dobrodomova Liudmyla - Owner (Prop): Gaško Ján + Umrian Marian
3 -Full Moon z Bohušova Vrchu (Ch) - (Exc, V)
(Monsolana Monte Carlo x Elegant Lucy Z Bohušova Vrchu)
Breeder (Prod): Kudrová Ivana - Owner (Prop): Koriťák Martin


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Baby, Welpenklasse - Entries: 1
Lady La Quinna Ronna Bohemia - (TP, VV, VP) , ,
(Androma Best Gambler x Mercy Královský Dar)
Breeder (Prod): Náhlovská Eva - Owner (Prop): Náhlovská Eva


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Puppy, Jüngstenklasse - Entries: 1
Persephone Gibsonova Púšť - (P, VSP) , ,
(Afterhero Dragon Of The Southwind x Cassandra Gibsonova Púšť)
Breeder (Prod): Gaško Ján + Marian Umrian - Owner (Prop): Gaško Ján + Marian Umrian


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Junior - Entries: 1

1 -Empire Of Moravia Mapira - (Exc, V) CACJ, CACIB-J, JUNIOR BOB,
(Corisian Paris by Moonlight x Fridens Top Secret)
Breeder (Prod): Vacířová Hana - Owner (Prop): Dostálová Lenka


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Ouverte, Open, Offene Klasse - Entries: 3

1 -Top Less Code Of Freedom - (Exc, V) CAC, RCACIB,
(Paint in The Night Della Buca Delle Fate x Top Less Viva La Prima)
Breeder (Prod): Shmatko Natalia - Owner (Prop): Shmatko Natalia
2 -Daisy Vom Gestuet Riegersburg - (Exc, V) RCAC, ,
(Armani From Great Angel x Abby vom Gestuet Riegersburg)
Breeder (Prod): Wimmer Elisabeth Und Bernhard - Owner (Prop): Steindl Roswitha
3 -Kokoska Fellow Of Eternity - (Exc, V)
(Inspire Black du Clos de Seawind x Georgiana Fellow Of Eternity)
Breeder (Prod): Schmiesterová Sabolová Katarín - Owner (Prop): Petríková Natália


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Champion, Championklasse - Entries: 4

1 -Athea Dominance (Ch) - (Exc, V) CACIB, CAC, BOB
(Gek in Black Z Dančí Louky x Dark Victory Fatranský Sen)
Breeder (Prod): Batista De La Rosa Lenka - Owner (Prop): Koriťák Martin
2 -Quick To Love Lago Benea (Ch) - (Exc, V) RCAC, ,
(Born For Agara And African Gold x Estele Future Legend Celestial Glamour)
Breeder (Prod): Gogolínová Jitka - Owner (Prop): Gogolínová Jitka
3 -Kind Kimmie Ronna Bohemia (Ch) - (Exc, V)
(Androma Best Gambler x Mercy Královský Dar)
Breeder (Prod): Náhlovská Eva - Owner (Prop): Náhlovská Eva
Prince Of Sunlight Jet Stream (Ch) - ()
(Prince Of Sunlight Answered Prayers x Prince Of Sunlight Xtra Sweet)
Breeder (Prod): Szalczinger József - Owner (Prop): Ballová Silvia


Commentaire - Comment:
  • BOB ROUGH: Athea Dominance
17.8.2024 - BRATISLAVA



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